I bought it in Craigslist for $150. Nice unit. Click on the small picture for a bigger one.
Filed under Joe's New Old House by .
Meter Base in a cabinet.
Filed under Uncategorized by .
This is Joe’s new house, purchased Jan 2008. I would say the floor system is pretty eaten up with termites. Click on the picture for a bigger one.
Filed under Joe's New Old House, R319 Wood Decay by .
Is this allowed. NEC 2005 300.8 is the closest code I can find that mentions gas lines with cables.
Filed under Electrical, Gas Lines by .
Can somebody find me the code on this. I think it should have room to slide. This one is abviously too tight.
Filed under Electrical by .
This one was a hard one to change. The deck man kept telling me it was treated and said it looked white because of the weather. He was wrong. He found out after he changed it.
You may need to click on the picture for a bigger one.
Filed under Decks by .
This fire started in the basement. This is a 2nd floor light fixture. The only charing on the 1st and 2nd floor was where the fire went through small penetrations. One of the items in the code hearing meeting in Rochester 2007 was a code for sealing light fixtures.
Filed under Ch06 Walls, R602 Wood Wall Framing by .